What are you able to claim?
A personal injury or worker’s compensation claim can be made with the Dust Disease Board and/or the Dust Disease Tribunal.
You are entitled to make a claim upon the Dust Disease Board provided that you:
Were exposed to dust, such as asbestos or or crystalline silica while employed in New South Wales.
Have contracted a nominated disease such as asbestosis or mesothelioma.
Should you meet the above criteria you may be entitled to weekly payments of compensation for your loss of wages and have all of your related medical expenses paid for.
Additionally you are entitled to make a claim upon the Dust Disease Tribunal for lump sum compensation. In order to do so you need to establish that one or more of your employers or manufacturers of asbestos products were negligent and that, because of that negligence, you now suffer from the relevant dust disease.
If you are awarded a lump sum of damages from the Tribunal your rights to weekly compensation and medical expenses from the Dust Diseases Board continues.
If you have been exposed to hazardous chemicals such as Crystalline Silica and suffer from injuries such as lung function loss, then you may be entitled to valuable compensation. Brydens Lawyers are the experts in the prosecution of all dust claims. For expert legal advice and representation, contact Brydens Lawyers today to determine your rights to compensation and let us recover same for you.
Why are Brydens Lawyers the right representation for you?
We have represented many clients who have been diagnosed with asbestosis. We are here to assist you in completing the application to be lodged with the Dust Diseases Board (ICare) and to investigate if you have further entitlements available from the Dust Disease Tribunal.
What is your next step?
To make a claim in the Dust Disease Board an “application for past or present workers compensation benefits” is required to be completed and lodged with the Board.
Brydens Lawyers can offer expert legal services for cases relating to asbestos and mesothelioma and will assist you in prosecuting your dust disease claim.
When should you consult a lawyer about making a claim?
If you have been informed by your doctor that you have asbestos or cystalline silica present in your lungs or have sustained prolonged exposure resulting in lung damage, you should contact a lawyer to help you investigate the matter further. Brydens Lawyers can provide you with comprehensive legal advice and expert knowledge regarding dust disease claims. Contact us online today or call 1800 848 848 to enquire further.
Are you eligible to make a claim?
Those who have been exposed to asbestos or crystalline silica may develop a dust disease. The gap between exposure and the first appearance of symptoms can range anywhere between 10 and 50 years.
Various lung conditions that can be traced directly to asbestos exposure include:
Asbestos related Pleural Plaques disease
Asbestos related lung cancer
Coal Dust
If you think you have developed a dust disease as a result of direct or prolonged exposure to asbestos or crystalline silica, it is highly recommended that you speak to a legal professional. Brydens Lawyers will assist you in investigating what compensations and valuable rights you may be entitled to. Call us today on 1800 848 848 or contact us online.