Success Stories- Volume #10



Workers Compensation - A Successful Claim

Our client suffered an injury to her back during her employment as a factory hand. The insurer would not accept that by reason of her injury, our client was unable to work full-time. Medical evidence was recovered in support of an application for an expedited assessment. On the morning of the assessment hearing, the insurer revoked its previous decision as to our client’s work capacity and agreed to re-instate weekly compensation payments at the maximum rate being 80% of pre-injury earnings. Additionally, it had been recommended to our client to undergo back surgery. The insurer had initially declined approval for same based upon an opinion expressed by a doctor it qualified in the matter. Further evidence was submitted in support of our client’s application, namely medical evidence from the treating doctor and one of our qualified doctors, and the insurer similarly revoked its earlier decision not to meet the costs of the surgery, which is now proceeding. - Lee Hagipantelis Principal of Brydens Lawyers

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