Success Stories - Volume #3



Workplace Injury into Workers Compensation

We acted on behalf of a client who had suffered an injury to their neck by constantly having to flex, rotate and move to look at numerous monitors and screens over a number of years as part of their employment.

The claim was originally denied by the insurer. In those circumstances, our client was left in no alternative but to bring a claim in the Personal Injury Commission for determination of the benefits to which they were entitled. Evidence was collated establishing the link between our client's injury and the nature and conditions of their employment.

So compelling was the evidence available, we were ultimately successful in negotiating a resolution of our client's claim for payments of weekly compensation (wages) due for periods of absence from employment, totalling $130,000.

Additionally, we were able to recover payment of all medical expenses incurred in relation to the treatment of the injury. By having established the link between our client's injury and their employment, our client was also entitled to investigate the recovery of lump sum compensation in the future, commensurate with the permanent degree of impairment resulting from the injury to their neck.

- Lee Hagipantelis Principal of Brydens Lawyers

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