How do I know if I have income protection insurance?

Question of the Month


Superannuation + TPD: how do I know if I have income protection insurance?

The claiming of superannuation or total and permanent disablement benefits (TPD) and/or income protection insurance as provided for under a superannuation policy can be a difficult process.

It need not be.

If you are unable to work by reason of injury or illness, whether related to your employment or otherwise, you may have valuable rights available to you to claim superannuation and/or TPD benefits. You may also be entitled to recover income protection insurance benefits.

Many employees would be uncertain as to the availability or extent of benefits under a superannuation policy. To confirm whether you hold any income protection insurance, a review should be undertaken of your annual superannuation statement. You will also be able to identify from same whether you hold any other insurance benefits such as TPD or life insurance. If you wish to confirm whether you held any income protection insurance at a particular time, you can always contact the superannuation fund directly to make the enquiry and confirm any active insurance for the period in question.

Brydens Lawyers have experts available to assist with all superannuation, TPD and/or income protection claims. Let our experts help you navigate through what can be a complicated and complex claims process. For a risk free, no-obligation assessment of your claim, contact Brydens Lawyers today on 1800 848 848 or at At Brydens Lawyers – #WE DO – Superannuation, TPD and Income Protection Claims.

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