I have been wrongfully accused of assault – What are my next steps?

Question of the Month


have been wrongfully accused of assault – What are my next steps?

Any criminal law matter can prove to be a very distressing time. This is particularly so if you have been wrongfully accused of a crime.

Alternatively you may be accused of crimes that you did commit if you come to the attention of the places are personages relational crime then there are number things with which you should be aware they include one you can be written by the police was being questioned you can be required to question the two if arrested and generally speaking our advice is not to partake in an interview with the please their advances in agreeing to partake in any view will deplete The reasons for same can be many and varied. For example, perhaps you have been mistakenly identified arising from an innocent error made on the part of a witness. Alternatively, you may have been deliberately and maliciously falsely accused of a crime that you did not commit.

If you have come to the attention of the police as a person of interest in relation to a crime then there are a number of things of which you should be aware. They include:

  1. You cannot be arrested by the police for the purpose of being questioned and you cannot be required to attend a police station for questioning unless you have been arrested.

  2. If arrested then, generally speaking, our advice is not to partake in an interview with the police. There are advantages and disadvantages in agreeing to partake in an interview, however, in the absence of legal advice and representation, partaking in an interview could prove detrimental.

  3. If you are charged with a crime then you require expert legal advice and representation. Contact must be made with your lawyer as soon as possible.

  4. Depending on the nature of the charge bail will generally be granted.

With expert legal advice and representation you will be provided with the best legal defence of the charges. All necessary evidentiary material will be collated. Witnesses will be interviewed. Experts may need to be retained. Subject to the results of our enquiries it may be open to us to make representations to the police, or director of public prosecutions, to have the charges dismissed if there is overwhelming and cogent evidence available to establish that a conviction is unlikely.

Brydens Lawyers has a specialist Criminal Law Division available to assist all clients with respect to any criminal offences in any jurisdiction. If you require the advice and representation of an expert criminal lawyer then do not hesitate to contact Brydens Lawyers.

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